01785 336 336
The Views, Blackberry Way, Woodseaves Village, Staffordshire ST20 0QZ

Plant a Tree Scheme

UK Commercial Roofing Limited plant 1 tree for every project we complete.
We dedicate the tree to our customer planting them in nature reserves, community woodlands and urban areas throughout the UK


Your Tree Dedication can also help to offset up to 1/2 a tonne of carbon dioxide throughout the life of the tree. That’s good for you, your friends, wildlife and the planet too.

 By dedicating a tree you help maintain and improve new woodlands and support our work to provide local people with opportunities to live healthier, more sustainable lives and reduce their carbon footprint.

For each tree dedication, you will receive:
A Tree Dedication Certificate showing your company name.

Information on the woodland location where your trees are planted.

You can easily find this info by entering your certificate number on the My Tree page.
Here’s an example so you can see the kind of information that will be available.

A gift that lasts a lifetime
Trees are only planted in locations that are properly managed so your tree will live to maturity.

An electronic or paper certificate
Certificates are issued by email

Where do we plant the trees?
Trees are planted in cities and woodland locations throughout the UK.
We always take great care to plant trees that will fit in their surroundings and won’t dominate existing flora.